We are Ryan Engle and Adam Hawk. And this is Nation Golf. We believe in fellowship, friendship, tradition, and honoring the swanky men and women who paved the way during the timeless golden era of golf.
Ryan founded the company in 2008 to complement the inaugural Nation Desert Classic--a now annual gathering at Indian Wells Country Club every first Saturday of May. In 2023, the tournament will celebrate its 15th year. The Nation Desert Classic and, subsequently, Nation Golf, can trace its roots back to Ryan's grandfather, T.K. Liken--better known as the Smoking Tom.
The Smoking Tom hosted his own scramble in the Coachella Valley from 1973 to 2002. He described his event as yearly opportunity for his friends to "meet and enjoy the fellowship." Ryan attended the last seven iterations of his grandpa's tournament and, six years later, would start the Nation Desert Classic. Today, the company's insignia is a caricature drawing of the Smoking Tom and our credo proudly encourages our community to "enjoy the fellowship."
Adam joined Ryan as a co-owner in 2019 after finding Nation Golf online and asking for a meeting. The two shared a common aesthetic and optimism about what the brand could be if ran and operated together.
In 2023, Ryan and Adam govern Nation Golf as an extension of their convictions: Golf is worth dressing up for. The old-timers did it better than anyone. Nothing beats a firm handshake. And anything worth a damn takes time.
Cheers to you and cheers to the fellowship.